sábado, 27 de febrero de 2016

Ebooks for reading- Oxford Owl

Hello everyone!!

Last day we were in the computer room looking at some ebooks for reading.

Here you have the different steps you have to follow to choose one:

2- Click in: "My class login"
3- In "My class name" you have to write: reading2ofmay
4- In "My class password" you have to write: cuartodosdemayo

5- Click in: "My bookshelf"

Once you are there, you have to choose the age and the theme of the book you want to read.
I recommend you to start in 5-6 or 6-7.
If you think it is very easy or difficult, you can change it.

Remember you have to choose one book for next week.

Enjoy looking it up!! =)

Para los niños que no puedan tener acceso a internet y leer los libros, se les proporcionará, como ya se dijo en la reunión, un libro de la biblioteca de aula.

En el paso 5, los padres podéis acceder a más recursos para que trabajen los niños pinchando en "Parents".

jueves, 18 de febrero de 2016

Can/ can´t - Could/couldn´t

We have practiced in class can/ can´t for present and could/couldn´t for past.

It was very easy for you, but you have here some games to practice it.

This one is for practicing can and can´t

And this other one for could and couldn´t

Enjoy!! =)

martes, 16 de febrero de 2016


We have another English exam next week. Here you have the contents you have to study:

- Present simple: affirmative, negative and interrogative.
- Present continuous: affirmative, negative and interrogative.
- Past simple:
    Regular verbs (-ed): affirmative, negative and interrogative
    Irregular verbs ( we made a selection of the ones you have     to study): cost, cut, let, put; send, spend, learn, smell; lose,     get, sit; leave, meet; keep, sleep; bring, buy, think, catch,       teach; sell, tell; hear, read; say, pay; understand; make,         eat; go.
    And the most important ones: have/has, do/does and be         (am, is, are)
- Can/can´t - could/couldn´t
- How much/many; how often; how long; how far. (And the answers to that questions)
- Wh- questions

Like other times, in the English exam there will be several parts:

Use of English

Animals in the zoo

This week we have build our own zoo with different animals: vertebrates (mammals, birds, fish, reptiles and amphibians) and invertebrates.

Here you can see our proyect. We hope you like it.

ZOO 4th C

ZOO 4th A

And that day, some of our mates brought to the class some of their pets and we were with them.

"The water cycle"

Last week we made the exposition of the water cycle and all the elements we can find there.

Here you have some photos of the project we did. Enjoy!

martes, 2 de febrero de 2016

Project: The water cycle

We have already made a poster about the water cycle.

In the proyect we have all the elements we need for the process:


We also have groundwater with an aquifer and a way to access to it (well, spring, stream).

We are going to name the different phases of the water cycle, as well as the different elements we can see in the poster (river, sea/ocean, lake), and also goundwater.

For the presentation you have to:

-Define all that elements: river, sea, ocean and lake.
-Explain the different phases of the water cycle.
-Tell what is goundwater and an aquifer, and how we can access to groundwater.

Everything you need to study is in the diagrams I gave you and we work with them in class, and the ones we did all together.

We will do the presentation of the project on Wednesday 10th.

Project: The animals

We are going to build a zoo for each class.

In the zoo we will have different animals:

-Vertebrates (1 of each):

-Invertebrates (2)

We have to choose, in pairs, one animal of each vertebrate and two invertebrates, and we have to investigate on the internet (in class) about some characteristics of them, what do they eat, how do they breath, and how do they reproduce. We also have to make a picture of them or take a photo to print it.

When we have all the information, we will write it down, and we will study it.

Everything you need to study is in the diagrams I gave you and we work with them in class.

We will do the presentation of the project on Monday 15th.

lunes, 1 de febrero de 2016