viernes, 11 de diciembre de 2015


These are the contents in the unit 2 for the exam:

Present simple: affirmative, negative and interrogative.
Present continuous: affirmative, negative and interrogative.
Past simple: regular verbs (-ed)
Irregular verbs: be, go, have, do, eat, make, cost, cut, let, put, get, lose, bring, buy, catch, keep, leave, meet, say, pay, read, sell, spend, burn, smell.

There is/There are
Much/many; a lot of; a few/a little
How much…? How many…?
Comparatives and superlatives
Preferences: I like, I don´t like, I prefer, I love, I hate.
What are you like? I am... (tidy, lazy,...)

Food (fruit, vegetables, meat, fish and others)
People personality, positive and negative (tidy, untidy, confident, shy, active, lazy, friendly, unfriendly, quiet, noisy, kind, unkind)
Shopping (Bakery: bread, cake, muffins, cookies. Florist´s: flowers and plants. Sweet shop: candy, sweets, lollipops. Supermarket: vegetables, fruit, meat, fish, others. Clothes shop: dress, trousers, t-shirt, hat, jacket... Shoe shop: heels, trainers, boots. Sports shop: racket, ball, equipment, trainers, tracksuit. Butcher´s: meat, chicken, sausages. Book shop: books, comics, magazines. Toy shop: toys. Hairdresser´s: haircut, change colour, wash hair, curl hair.

Wh-Questions: who – what – where - when

In the English exam there will be several parts:

Use of English

martes, 1 de diciembre de 2015

Unhealthy habits. Homework

Complete the sentences with your own words (information on pages 26 and 27):
1- Infection diseases
Some diseases...
The germs enter the body...
The body has natural defences...

2-Bad eating habits
Fast food and doing little exercise can cause...
Many foods contain additives. Some additives...

3-Game over
Playing video games too often...

It is...
Some people...

5-Say no

lunes, 30 de noviembre de 2015

Healthy habits. Homework

Complete the sentences with your own words (information on pages 24 and 25):

Rule 1: Eat healthily
A healthy diet is...
Different nutrients help our body systems:
Vitamin C...

Rule 2: Exercise
It is very important...
Exercise makes...
and helps... (2)

Rule 3: Sleep
Sleep allows...
And also helps...

Rule 4: Keep clean
We wash our body to...
We wash: ... (2)

Rule 5: Have medical check-ups
Medical check-ups...
You need vaccination to...


For the presentation of the weather forecast you need a decoration. Here you can make a TV, a map ad symbols such as clouds, rain, sun...

What do you have to say?
  1. Date
  2. Country (real or invented): name and location

  1. What do you use to predict weather? (page 28)
  2. Temperature: definition, what do you use to measure it, what temperatura it is in there. (page 24)
  3. Humidity: definition,what do you use to measure it, what humidity is there? (you can also say there is fog or mist) (page 24)
  4. Wind: definition, what do you use to measure it, what type of wind it is in there (breeze, gale, hurricane). (page 25)
  5. Precipitation: definition , what do you use to measure it, (page 25) choose one and define it (page 26)
  6. Clouds: choose one and define it (page 27)

martes, 24 de noviembre de 2015

Present continuous

With this game you can review Present continuous

And with this game, too. But  you need to play with friends...

Another game to play and learn present continuous.

The respiratory system

Do you want to see again how our respiratory system works??
Watch this video and enjoy!! :)

Food vocabulary

To practice vocabulary about food, play this game.

And this other game to practice food.


Homework for Friday 27th of November. Social Science

Complete the sentences with the information you have in your book:


Clouds form when...

Types of clouds:
  • Cumulus clouds...
  • Stratus clouds...
  • Cirrus clouds...

Professional meteorologists...
They collect information about:  (4)

Weather balloons...
Weather forecast centres...
Weather satellites...

domingo, 22 de noviembre de 2015


These are the contents in the unit 1 for the exam:

Present simple: affirmative, negative and interrogative.
Present continuous: affirmative, negative and interrogative.
Past simple: regular verbs (-ed)
To be, to have got: present simple and past simple. Affirmative, negative and interrogative

Look like
There is/There are
Much/many; a lot of; a few/a little
How much…? How many…?
Comparatives and superlatives
Preferences: I like, I don´t like, I prefer, I love, I hate.
What is your favourite food?
What foods do you like/prefer?
What foods you don´t like?

People appearance (eyes, hair, face…)
Food in general (fruit, vegetables, meat, fish and others)
Packing of food (carton of eggs, bar of chocolate, bag of crisps, packet of biscuits, can of tuna, bottle of wáter, brick of juice/milk, jar of jam, tub of ice-cream, slice of bread, pack of butter)
Preparing and cooking food (cook, add, mix, stir, peel, boil, pour, heat)
A menu (starter, main course, dessert)
What we use to eat and prepare food (plate, spoon, fork, knife, glass, cup, saucepan, pan)

Wh-Questions: who – what – where - when

In the English exam there will be several parts:

Use of English

viernes, 20 de noviembre de 2015

Social science unit 2. Homework 20/11/2015

Here you have the homework for next week.
If you have any problem, send me an email.
Have a nice weekend!!:) 

Complete in your notebook the following sentences:
  • Precipitatin happens when...
  • Forms of precipitation:
    • Rain is...
    • Drizzle is...
    • Sleet is...
    • Hail forms when...
    • Snow...

Remember to search images of healthy habits and bring them next week too.

jueves, 19 de noviembre de 2015

Social science Unit 2. Homework

Here I leave you the homework for Friday.
You have to finish the sentences with the information in the book.

martes, 3 de noviembre de 2015

Halloween Day

 Do you want to remember how was the Halloween Day?
Here you have some photos.

This is how we prepared the decoration and the final result
The games we played that day
And our costumes

Halloween song

HERE I leave you the Halloween song we learnt with Colton last week: "Witches brew" Do you remember it?
Sing it, dance it and enjoy!! :)

There is/There are

With this PAGE you can review "There is/There are" in possitive, negative and affirmative forms.
Have fun!!

miércoles, 21 de octubre de 2015

How does the Earth move?

Take a look to this PAGE to disover more about how the Earth  moves. Hope you like it!! :)

Past simple

We are going to review past simple...

Do you want to play this GAME??

Phases of the moon

This nice scientist will show us the phases of the moon. Do you to see them??

CLICK HERE and enjoy!!

Circulatory system

You can see again the video of our friend "The cell" travelling around the circulatory system HERE

Enjoy it!!


Do you remember how to describe appearance??? Let´s see how much you know with this game about DESCRIPTIONS....

Irregular verbs

With this funny WHEEL you can review irregular verbs in all their forms!!

Have fun and have a good score!!

lunes, 19 de octubre de 2015

The digestive system

Do you want to know how does the digestive system work??
Let´s watch this VIDEO again, remember and enjoy!!

Present simple

You can play alone or with friends at any of these BOARD GAMES and you can review and practice present simple
Have fun!!

sábado, 17 de octubre de 2015

"Alex the Alien"

Here I leave you the story we read at class about the planets in the Solar System

And you can also know more about planets with this GAME. Enjoy!! :)

martes, 13 de octubre de 2015


Welcome to 4º A and C blog.

Here you will learn Language, Maths, Social and Natural Science, English and Arts.

We hope you have fun.

Bienvenidos al blog de 4º A y C.

Aquí aprenderéis Lengua, Matemáticas, Ciencias Sociales y Naturales, Inglés y Plástica.

Esperamos que os divirtáis.